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Professor Elizabeth Anionwu will be retiring on the 1st August 2007 and in the same month all staff at the Ealing site [Westel House] where the Centre  was based are relocating to Paragon House, Thames Valley University, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 96A near the entrance of the M4 motorway.  Dr Dave Sookhoo, Principal Lecturer [Research] [email protected]  will devote part of his time to continuing the activities of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice. 

Thames Valley University have given Elizabeth the honorary award of Emeritus Professor of Nursing.  This will allow Elizabeth to maintain a 'virtual' link with the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences as she will retain her university email address [email protected]  BUT for queries concerning aspects of Diversity work at the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences please email: [email protected]

Thank you.

The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice has an interest in research  related to multi-ethnic aspects of health care, particularly when utilizing  a community development perspective.  Involvement with journals, details of publications and current  and completed research activities of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice are listed below.  November 2006 Please click here to read the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice Annual Report 2005-2006


Professor Anionwu is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Nursing Standard 

Publications For a list of Professor Anionwu's publications [up to July 2007] click here

Current research activities 

SHIFT (Screening for Haemoglobinopathies In the First Trimester of pregnancy) Co-applicant with Professor Theresa Marteau, Director, Psychology & Genetics Research Group, King’s College London (Lead applicant)  et al  Antenatal screening for haemoglobinopathies in primary care: a cluster randomised trial to inform a situational model.  Funded by the Dept of Health Research & Development Health Technology Assessment Programme.  2004-2006.

Completed research projects

Diversity, Attrition and Transition Into NursinG: the DATING project
In May 2003 the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice was awarded a 2 year grant from the NHS Positively Diverse Programme (now part of NHS Employers) as part of a Building a Diverse Workforce theme. Led by Professor Elizabeth Anionwu and in collaboration with Professor Peter Franks, co-director of  TVU's CRICP (Centre for Research and Implementation of Clinical Practice).  The team, all from the TVU Faculty of Health & Human Sciences,  also comprises Mike Tappern, Administrator - Data Team  and Dr Jon Mulholland, Senior Lecturer (Medical Sociology) and Richard Atkins, Statistician. Click here to download DATING (Diversity, Attrition and Transition Into Nursing) Project Annual Report (August 2004)   In December 2005, the team completed the final report for  NHS Employers. 

To download a copy of:

The Executive Summary of the DATING Project (December 2005) click here.

The full report of the DATING Project (December 2005) click here.

Professor Anionwu made a presentation about the DATING Project at a Nursing Standard/NHS Employers sponsored workshop at the Royal College of Nursing Congress in Bournemouth on Monday 24th April, 2006.

The DATING research team made a presentation on the 27/9/2006 at the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing practice,  entitled Promoting and Tracking Diversity of Students within Nursing and Midwifery Education - a national model? that was held at the Slough campus, Thames Valley University.  Click here to download a PDF version  of PowerPoint presentation.

The experience of chronic illness among young people with a sickle cell disorder or thalassaemia in the West Midlands.  Co-applicant with Dr Karl Atkin, former Director of Primary Care Research and Senior Lecturer in Ethnicity & Primary Health Care, Centre for Research in Primary Care, University of Leeds   (Principal Investigator) and Birmingham OSCAR (Lead Applicant).  3 year funding: 2002 -2005.  Karl is now a senior lecturer in Ethnicity and Health at the University of York.

Providing support for those with haemoglobin disorders: A review of the evidence and guidance for good practice.  Co-applicant with Dr Karl Atkin, former Director of Primary Care Research and Senior Lecturer in Ethnicity & Primary Health Care, Centre for Research in Primary Care, University of Leeds  (Principal Investigator) (Karl is now senior lecturer in Ethnicity and Health at the University of York) and Professor Francine Cheater, Professor in Public Health Nursing, School of Healthcare Studies, University of Leeds.  Department of Health: Public Health Initiative.  2003 - 2005

Equity of access to South West London Cancer Network services across ethnic groups. In collaboration with Mr Peter Aspinall, Senior Research Analyst, Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Kent .  Commissioned by The Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fund Project, Royal Marsden NHS Trust.  Completed May 2002.

Uptake by black and minority ethnic nurses of sponsored places by a west London Trust on Diploma/Degree Oncology Nursing courses.  Co-researcher Dr  Dave Sookhoo, Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice.  Commissioned by Royal Marsden NHS Trust. Completed December 2002. Professor Anionwu made a presentation about the findings at the Nursing Times/Royal Marsden 3rd National Cancer Nursing & Rehabilitation Conference that took place in October 2003. 

The following paper has been published: Sookhoo D and Anionwu E.N.  (2006) An exploratory study into the recruitment of black and minority ethnic students to a sponsored NHS trust cancer nursing education programme.  Diversity in Health and Social Care. 3: 27-34.

Last updated: 04/08/2007

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