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Professor Elizabeth Anionwu will be retiring on the 1st August 2007 and in the same month all staff at the Ealing site [Westel House] where the Centre  was based are relocating to Paragon House, Thames Valley University, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 96A near the entrance of the M4 motorway.  Dr Dave Sookhoo, Principal Lecturer [Research] [email protected]  will devote part of his time to continuing the activities of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice. 

Thames Valley University have given Elizabeth the honorary award of Emeritus Professor of Nursing.  This will allow Elizabeth to maintain a 'virtual' link with the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences as she will retain her university email address [email protected]  BUT for queries concerning aspects of Diversity work at the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences please email: [email protected]

Thank you.

Annual  Events
Every year since 1998, The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice has organised events to celebrate and promote multicultural issues in nursing, midwifery and healthcare and forge stronger links between local communities and the university.    They are described below in chronological order.

Wednesday 27th September 2006 Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice held a national conference at the Slough TVU campus on Promoting and Tracking Diversity of Students within Nursing and Midwifery Education - a national model? 

The conference focused on the impact of diversity in relation to nursing and midwifery recruitment, attrition and transition into practice.  It drew on the outcomes of the CANDLES Project (Campaign to Attract Nurses/Midwives from Diverse Local groups in Slough), including hearing from those who have benefited from the initiative, and the DATING Project (Diversity, Attrition and Transition Into Nursing), both undertaken by the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice. The conference was attended by over a hundred people involved in recruitment and retention of students and all involved in NHS workforce planning and Diversity and Equality issues within the NHS and the Higher Education sectors.

16th May 2005  Nearly 100 students and teachers from local schools and colleges were guests of the The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice  and other departments of  Thames Valley University together with exhibitors from Ealing NHS Trusts and  north-west London Strategic Health Authority Workforce Development Confederation at an event that:

  • celebrated the bicentennial of the year Mary Seacole was born
  • the launch of this newly designed website of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice and
  • raise the profile of careers in the NHS, particularly nursing and midwifery

The event was held at Ealing Town Hall courtesy of the London Borough of Ealing Education Department.

Sunday 27 June 2004  The The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice in collaboration with TVU's London College of Music and Media held a fundraising concert at the Commonwealth Institute.   Admission was free and just over £1,000 was collected for the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Apppeal []  (Registered charity No: 1103862).   We are particularly grateful to the following artistes who gave excellent performances and did so absolutely free of charge.   Ebony Steel Band,  Aubrey Bain & colleague (steel pans), DONA (Dominican folk dance group); Adjoah Andoh, actress Keith Waithe (flautist) and Jo Jo Yates (Kora player); Vox Simba Gospel choir;  Glenda Jaxon and Donna Spence comediennes; Asian Fusion by pupils from Brentside High School in Ealing;  J'Nay & Baby Sol, vocalists who were accompanied by Stephen Cole, all of Cross-Cultural Arts. Our thanks also to  Clive Soley MP (Chairman of the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Apppeal []) who spoke to us about the campaign Our sincere appreciation goes to the wonderful host/MC for the evening, Juliet Alexander (Senior Lecturer in Journalism, London College of Music and Media [LCMM, Thames Valley University].  Finally a big thank you to ALL the staff of Thames Valley University  who helped in so many ways to make sure this event was such a success.

6 July 2003  Celebration of the 5th anniversary of the The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice .  Dr Beverly Malone, RN PhD FAAN  General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing was our guest of honour.

April 2002 the launch at Thames Valley University, Ealing of the MELTING (Multi-Ethnic Learning and Teaching In Nursing) online resource within the The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice website.

July 2001 saw the launch at Ealing Town Hall of the Open University Press book 'The Politics of Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia' by Professor Elizabeth Anionwu and  Dr Karl Atkin, Director of Primary Care Research and Senior Lecturer in Ethnicity & Primary Health Care, Director of Primary Care Research and Senior Lecturer in Ethnicity & Primary Health Care, Centre for Research in Primary Care, University of Leeds  , University of Leeds   Click here to order online.

11th and 12th July 2000  MARY SEACOLE OPERA SHOWCASE
We were extremely grateful to an anonymous donor to the The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice whose generosity permitted our millennium fund-raising social event to go ahead. The new opera, 'The Mary Seacole Showcase' was produced by Gye Nyame For Performing Arts and was presented at The Watermans Arts Centre in July 2000. This company was the brainchild of Larry Coke (producer and lighting designer) and was created to produce multi-cultural opera and dance productions. Richard Chew (composer), SuAndi OBE (libretto) and David Richards (Director) combined with Larry in the creation of a cultural event that was an exciting celebration of the life and achievements of Mary Seacole. We were also delighted that students from the renowned London College of Music and Media at Thames Valley University were also involved in the production. 

24th June 1999.  Floella Benjamin making a guest appearance at the second TVU The Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice multicultural concert, once again held at Ealing Town Hall.


1998 Multicultural Concert at Ealing Town Hall  with Keith Waithe flautist that launched the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice, Thames Valley University.  Nearly 400 people attended.



Last updated: 04/08/2007

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