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News items and current events related to the activities of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice, University of West London. Click here to read about forthcoming lectures and other events concerning the life and recognition of Mary Seacole. PLEASE NOTEProfessor Elizabeth Anionwu retired on the 1st August 2007 and in the same month all staff at the Ealing site [Westel House] where the Centre was based relocated to Paragon House, University of West London, [formerly known as Thames Valley University], Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9GA near the entrance of the M4 motorway. Dr Dave Sookhoo, Principal Lecturer [Research] [email protected] can be contacted concerning activities of the former Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice. Tel: 0208 209 4017 Thames Valley University, now known as University of West London, gave Elizabeth the honorary award of Emeritus Professor of Nursing. This will allow Elizabeth to maintain a 'virtual' link with the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences as she will retain her university email address. To contact Elizabeth please do so via her email address only: [email protected] Thank you. July 2007 Please click here to read Elizabeth's final Annual Report [2006-2007] for the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice Centre. December 2006
November 2006 Please click here to read the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice Centre Annual Report 2005-2006 September 2006 27th September 2006 A very successful national conference, organised by the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing practice, entitled Promoting and Tracking Diversity of Students within Nursing and Midwifery Education - a national model? was held at the Slough campus, Thames Valley University. Participants came from Colleges of Nursing and Midwifery as far away as Scotland, Wales and from all over England. There were also representatives from the Royal College of Nursing and the Nursing and Midwifery Council. The conference was an opportunity for Mary Seacole Centre to showcase the outcomes of two of its recent projects (CANDLES and DATING). Professor Sandra Jowett Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences welcomed the delegates. Guest speaker was Professor Carol Baxter, Head of Equalities and Diversity, NHS Employers. Elizabeth Anionwu provided an overview of the CANDLES Project. Haseen held everybody spellbound as she described the achievements and challenges of the 2 year project. A very moving speech was given by Mr Shaukat Warriach, Head Teacher of the Stoke Poges Saturday Community School that helped to explain his deep commitment to welcoming in Mrs Haseen Mughal, former CANDLES Project Coordinator/Outreach Worker so that she could publicise nursing as a possible career for pupils who attended this school. He praised Haseen's approach in reaching the relevant networks and challenged the audience to copy this model by appointing individuals who, like Haseen, would be viewed as credible and respected within various sections of the community. The audience were then captivated by Maeda Choudry, Audrey Carty and Ibrahim Mussa, students who spoke about their contact with the CANDLES Project. There were many questions to the CANDLES Panel (see photo on right) and comments from the audience. Click here for Elizabeth's presentation and here for the one by Haseen (both in PDF format). The afternoon was devoted to hearing about the findings of the DATING Project from the whole research team, Professors Elizabeth Anionwu and Peter Franks, Richard Atkins, Dr Jon Mulholland and Mike Tappern. Click here to download a PDF version of this presentation. For a list of Professor Anionwu's publications [from 1977 to July 2007] click here Click for a copy of the CANDLES Project Executive Summary (December 2006) 12th May 2006 As Patron, Professor Anionwu gave a presentation at a seminar organised by the Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK - the organisation has recently developed a website: www.nncauk.org November 2005
26th July 2005
The Royal College of Nursing launched their new publication 'A short history of Mary Seacole: a resource for nurses and students' written by Professor Elizabeth Anionwu. It will cost £4.50 and can be ordered from RCNDIRECT on 0845 772 6100 - quote publication code: 002499.
The book can also be ordered online via the Florence Nightingale Museum
25th May 2005 Click here to read the 18 month report of the 2 year CANDLES (Campaign to Attract Nurses/midwives from Diverse Local Ethnic groups in Slough) Project. 16th May 2005 Nearly 100 students and teachers from local schools and colleges were guests of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice and other departments of Thames Valley University together with exhibitors from Ealing NHS Trusts and north-west London Strategic Health Authority Workforce Development Confederation at an event that:
The event was held at Ealing Town Hall courtesy of the London Borough of Ealing Education Department. Earlier this year Professor Anionwu was appointed Editor of Multicultural Nursing that was launched in October 2005. It joins other well established Nursing Standard specialist journals all published by RCN Publications. 20th October 2004 Professor Anionwu was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing, the highest honour that the organisation can bestow for 'her outstanding contribution to the development of nurse-led sickle cell and thalassaemia counselling services and education and leadership in transcultural nursing.' Nursing Standard, (6/10/2004: Volume 19 [No 4]: pages 16-17) celebrated Black History Month by including a 2 page feature about our own Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice at Thames Valley University. Our Multi-Ethnic and Learning and Teaching in Nursing (MELTING) online resource now forms the foundation module of the Transcultural Healthcare Practice: an educational resource for nurses and healthcare practitioners on the website of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). This is a resource that will be suitable for nurses and midwives involved in learning disability, adult, child and mental health. It also includes sections on the epidemiology and politics of diversity, transcultural communication and healthcare practice, multi agency, race equality management and clinical supervision. It was launched at the RCN Congress in May 2004. Last updated: 16/05/2011 |